Reiki Services

Ready to experience clarity?

Reiki Session

I will spend some time getting to know about you, where you’re at in your healing journey and what you’re needing. Fully clothed during the table work session, you only have to show up. Let your mind wander, or focus on your breathing, whatever your choose is just fine. I will work to detect imbalances in your energy, release stuck energies and bring you back into harmony with yourself.



Reiki + Bodywork Session

This is a great option to add some physical stress relief to the energy healing work. Great for people who need nourishing touch for nervous system regulation, as well as those who use certain muscles more than others at their job. The added effect of touch can also help to more effectively move blocked emotions and free up space within the body for vital life force to flow
more freely.



Frequently Asked Questions

The Reiki room at The Parlor

  • All sessions take place at the Parlor located at:

    8010 Hog Neck Road, Unit 102
    Pasadena MD 21122

  • Typically the first 10 or so minutes are spent in conversation. I will get to know you a bit and where you are at in your healing journey, If you have any particular issues you want to address etc. After that you will lie face up on the table and just allow yourself to relax. After the session I will create space for you to share your experience and any insights that may have come up as well as offer my own.

  • All sessions are performed fully clothed, so wear any clothes that you feel comfortable in.

  • Generally you may just come as you are. However, if you have the time and space before hand to take some time to think and perhaps write about your intention for the session, this can be helpful in calling in the results that will serve your highest good.

  • After the session it’s a good idea to drink plenty of water for the rest of the day to support your body in continuing to release and integrate. You may also want to pay close attention to your emotions as they arise in the days following and practice breathing with them as they come and go.

Words from my clients…

“My Reiki experiences with Robin have been amazing. She made me feel very comfortable and provided a calm environment. Working with her was better than I could’ve expected. I really enjoyed being able to talk through all the things we experienced during the session.”

~ Kayla

“Without knowing anything about me, she was able to identify parts of my body where I have been having physical problems. Problems that have been weighing on me mentally. But you know what else? I felt lighter. The weight that had been sitting on my chest. It was gone. I finally felt like I was in control again and not that I was seconds from my life falling apart.”

~ Katy M.

“From the first reiki session with Robin, I knew this was something I would continue. Our sessions are always relaxing and help to release negative energy. She has helped lessen pain in my back and curb anxiety. I highly recommend incorporating this practice onto your life!”

~ Courtney Fish

“I'm finding that I am able to reach a level of relaxation during a session that I have not experienced before in yoga, therapy, meditation, or massage (all practices that I still enjoy). Robin's good heart and practiced hands have given me time that I can focus just on myself.”

~ Kathy Wenerick-Bell

“Right from the start, I felt relaxed and like I was with someone I could trust. After my first session, she was able to pinpoint some issues that I was having! We came up with a plan going forward. So far now, I have completed several sessions with Robin and I can honestly say I am feeling better! My anxiety has dramatically reduced, and I look forward to my time to relax and focus on my healing.”

~ Becky